6 Ways To Use Twitter Walls At Events

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6 Ways To Use Twitter Walls At Events

Event attendees are your best marketers and promoters. A word of praise from actual event attendees travel a longer distance as compared to the promotion efforts you deliberately put into promoting your event.

A Twitter Wall at your event is a great addition to its promotional strategy as it helps you to spread the wildfire of word-of-mouth marketing for your event with Twitter as its promotional platform.

It helps to create the required FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out) for your event and also boosts the engagement level of your audience with the event’s happening.

Now, there are different ways in which you could use your Twitter Wall at events. In this article, we will discuss 6 such ways.

Come, let’s start.

  • Run Twitter Hashtag Campaigns

Twitter Walls are the best way to showcase your earned media content through your Twitter Hashtag Campaigns to your event attendees. Twitter Walls have aggregators and display functionalities working in the backend.

When you run a Twitter Hashtag Campaign, you encourage your users to post social media content regarding your brand in accordance with the theme of the campaign. Such campaigns have the capability to attract huge volumes of user-generated content on Twitter. The Twitter Aggregator working at the backend of the wall discovers and fetches relevant user-generated content using the brand hashtags that you promoted during the campaign.

A Twitter Wall provides you the perfect opportunity to flaunt this earned media content to your audience at the event. It helps you to display your audience the popularity of your brand among your users and how much they trust your brand.

  • Display Sponsor’s and Speaker’s Content

No event is complete without sponsors and they need to be kept pleased. Also, most events also have speakers and their sessions as an important part of the event.

You could always employ your Twitter Wall to display your speakers’ and sponsors’ Twitter content on the Twitter Wall. It is a great way to please both your sponsors and speakers of the event. This gives them a window of their own on the Twitter Wall giving them their interactive window to engage with the audience.

Also, it is a great way to expand your advertising reach to the followers of your speakers and sponsors. In order to display their content on Twitter, there must be Twitter posts done from their own Twitter profiles using your event hashtags. This spreads a word of mouth marketing about your event to their friends and followers, thus increasing your attendees at the event.

  • Display Live Q&A Tweets

If your event is a seminar or a conference or one of the similar kind, where a few speakers interact with the whole bunch of people in the audience, then displaying real-time Question & Answers Tweets on a Twitter Wall actually is a great idea to engage your audience actively in the event discussions.

It is cool, rare, and a really tech-savvy way of displaying both your speakers’ and participants’ Twitter content to the entire group of audience. This way each question and the related answer can be easily displayed to all the people actively participating in the event. Even those, who are not physically present in the event can also participate in it through the Twitter wall by posting questions as tweets using the event hashtags.

This enhances the overall audience engagement at the event and encourages attendees to actively participate in the event. This makes them enjoy the happenings of the event and be an integrated part of it. As a result, when they share their experiences with others, it is always a good one.

  • Run Industry-Specific News

You could always display industry-specific news on the Twitter Wall and engage your users with it. You could mix up your brand content too with the event hashtag Twitter feeds displayed on the wall. The industry-specific news could pop up or run as a custom post on the Twitter Wall. You may integrate this industry-specific news with all other variety of news.

You could also display banners and tickers running on the top and bottom of the Twitter Wall displaying your event hashtag and encouraging your event attendees to participate more in the event happenings.

Over To You…

Twitter Walls are an amazing addition to your events which boosts audience engagement and enhances event ROI tremendously. Try the best Twitter Walls for your event and experience its amazing benefits that will help you make your event a superb success.